Voice of the Old Boys
THE COLLEGE I CHERISH By: Melvin Arulannarajah
Batticaloa Methodist Central – the vintage School,
Maintaining discipline – It’s the golden rule,
Celebrated its bicentenary with great gusto,
It’s the prestigious college, we always adore.
The Rev. William Ault founded this College,
In Christianity and English, he imparted knowledge.
Five pupils were there at the beginning,
Now, three times five hundred are learning,
In my days at Methodist Central College,
I learnt varied skills and useful knowledge.
My teachers did unlock my potential,
Which made me learn what is essential.
The teachers taught me lessons and values.,
To solve problems, they gave me clues.
Today I am shining well in my career,
Determined to face in life, any barrier.
Every day at the College was another world.,
Varied ways of thinking were unfurled.
In Drama and Debates, I always excelled.,
To name and fame, I was soon propelled.
Our College trained us in Scouting.,
We obeyed the rules without flouting.
Few of us were awarded “President Scout”,
A great achievement, nobody will doubt.
The commitment and caring by the teachers,
They were their distinguished features.
The skills and knowledge together, they taught,
Helped us in all the challenges, we fought.
My dad was the Principal in my College days.,
Every class was attentive; Never they dared to laze.
Though stern, yet in love, towards the pupils.,
He was a man ever with moral scruples.
“Vincent”, close to “Central”, is our Sister school,
When girls pass by, we follow the golden rule.
Not to look at them, but sometimes, we do.,
Glimpsing through the grille and shouting “boo”
That daring experience, my classmates and I had,
Though unforgettable, it made us so sad.
Suddenly the Principal appeared with a cane,
To probe and punish to make us sane.
There were students from all communities,
Everyone fully enjoyed equal amenities.
M. P’s, pastors, Professionals and Businessmen,
Our College Products of excellence – a long list to pen.
Our College and Church are side by side,
It’s a great blessing in life for us to guide.
Though of different faiths, united we stand,
As Centralites, we gather always as one band.
Let us all pray for our College of fame,
In the East, it has gained a good name.
We shall, with one accord, make a pledge,
And say “We will never forget our College”.
As OBA, We give our unstinting support.,
From our College, We expect a success report.
May our dear “Central”, always shine bright,
Inspired by the motto “In Thy Light is Light”.